Sunday, September 1, 2013

One Good Day!

Wow! Today has been quite the day. There is nothing like watching your little boy, eyes wide open taking a breath on his own. What a relief to see his chest as it filled with oxygen and released with out the help of mechanics. No purple lips. As he fought for each breath his face would fill with passion. Quickly his breath regulated. What a miracle it was to see his lungs rediscover self ventilation. As he became more comfortable anger and pain was replaced with bubbles and bliss. Such peace when he finally went to sleep. Free of so many tubes, off of so many of his meds. We started the day with 7 tubes and 6 different medications. We are going to sleep having only 2 tubes and 2 heart medications. Never could I have imagined such progress in a 24 hr period. I pray he can maintain the night, and begin to further progress. 

(The brown is breaths he is taking on his own.)

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