Thursday, September 12, 2013

He's back

We went to Jake's first Drs appointment. He is back! Everything looks great! The dr did a follow up echo to check on his blood flow. Is was so nice to have good news when his Dr said everything looked good. Relief really set in when the checked his Oxygen levels, which were 99-100%... Can't get better than that! All of his vitals were right where they needed to be. And he has gained 6 oz. since Thursday! 

Following his appointment we went for a visit to the surgeon's office to get his sutures removed. 

Oh how painful! One of the fellows came over from the hospital to perform the procedure. I was able to stay and hold him through the removal. I felt so bad.. It was not enough to warrant anesthesia, but it ha to have hurt. He had 12 stitches and each one had to be pulled and cut individually. I felt so bad as the razor blade picked at each suture. It took about an hour. Poor guy. Fortunately, the worst is over. Hopefully this is the end. 

He still has an other appointment on Friday. Just to check his weight gain, vitals, and overall well being. As long as that appointment is a good old boring one (fingers crossed) we will move to monthly appointments. 
 I can't believe he is doing so well. It was only 2 weeks ago he was lying on a table with his chest open and tubes coming out every part of his body. Now all that is left 

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