Sunday, August 25, 2013

Lets get physical!


This is what's about to happen:

He goes in for anesthesia. Once he is under they cut open his chest along the sternum line. Then they will cut the sternum bone to get to the heart.

Once in his heart is bypassed, and his body hooked up to a heart and lung machine to mimic the hearts actions.  Then the surgery begins.

They need to stop his heart, then they will sever the two main arteries from his heart. From there then switch their position and reattach them to where they should be. That is when then difficult stuff begins. The blood supply to the heart is provided by the coronary arteries (a bunch if little blood vessels surrounding the heart). All of these little vessels need to be reattached to the pulmonary artery for oxygen secretion.

Part 2 is to close the holes in his heart walls that separate his R and L sides. That will give him a complete 4 chamber heart. That is ready for blood flow and restart.

That's it right!? Kind of. He has a 3% chance of major complication. 40% chance of coming back with an open chest. Small chance he will have a pacemaker and or a machine to help his heart pump blood till it is strong enough to pump on its own. (It needs to be able to pump with enough pressure to circulate him entire body. I major issue because he is 3 weeks.)

Once the surgery is complete and he is signed out of OR and into CVICU (ped- cardiovascular ICU) he is stabilized. That is when we get so see him again.

We are updated every couple hours as to the progress of the surgery. As far as we know he has been successfully put under and surgery has begun. Now it is time to, as they say, hurry up and wait.

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