At least 30% of ALL defect related infant deaths are a result of a Congelital Heart Defect. It is the Leading cause of infant deaths!
Every 15 minutes a baby is born with CHD.
There is currently NO known cause, prevention, or cure for Congenital Heart Disease. Although many can be detected as early as 28 days of gestation via ultrasound.
Every Hospital should be performing an oxygen saturation test at 24hrs. of an infants life, but not all hospitals test. (Oxygen levels should be over 93% saturation at 24 hr.)
Pediatric cancer research funding is 5X higher than congenital heart research funding YET...
For every Dollar given to American Heart Association less than a penny goes to CHD research!
Nationwide nearly $2.2 Billion goes to CHD repair surgeries.
In the past Decade CHD related deaths are down 30% due to medical advances.
Children's Heart Association is the only organization solely dedicated to funding CHD research and support for families effected by CHD. CHF HAS GIVEN OVER $5.3 million to research.
Spred the word... Please support CHD awareness!
Wow. I had no idea. I am amazed at how good your son's scar looks. (I'm sure it's different in real life than his picture.)