Thursday, October 17, 2013

6 week checkup

Today is the day. Today we find out what Jake's longterm recovery plan really looks like. 

We are on our way to our 6 week post-op checkup. Things to ask... 

1. How does his MR valve look? Does it look like it's closing up? 

2. Is he healthy enough to start receiving immunizations? 

3. Can we start going back to church? Other publis places? 

4. Can I start volunteering at school with Kake in tow? 

5. Can Kale take a submersion bath? (How nice it will be to not have so spounge baths!!!) 

Hope it all goes well... It should he looks good to us. But we'll see

Sunday, October 13, 2013

We made it!

We have finally made it! Quarantine is over. Caymen gets to go back to school tomorrow. We can leave the house! I don't think I have ever been so excited to go to the market. I get to live a normal mom life! 

Today we had brunch with one our great friends. Caymen and Ruby got to play with friends... And I got to go out! The girls have missed friends and school so much, so to see them playing with other kids lifted my heart. 

This week we go to the Dr. for our 6 week post-op appointment. Hopefully all will go well. We should get the ok to take Jake to Church and school. We will see...? 

As for overall health Jake is a trooper! He is off his meds. He is sleeping regularly (only up 2X per night). He is gaining weight. He is growing out of clothes. Best of all he SMILES! He is so smiley. I am so grateful every time he looks up and smiles. His eyes have become a deep greyish blue. They are huge, and they have these great long dark eyelashes.

 I have appreciated all of my childeren individually. They each have something wonderful to offer. They start out sweet, and soft, and loving, and cuddly... Then they grow. Their personalities begin to emerge. I can't wait to see Jake's personality! I can't wait to truely meet him. I feel I cherish every little thing so much more than I did ever before. "You never know what you have till you loose it." I have such a deeper understanding of the saying. Only 7 weeks ago I sat in the car driving to the hospital not knowing if he would make it there, much less home from the hospital. Now, I get to sit here in my home with my beautiful baby asleep on my lap. Even better every now and then his eyes slightly open up, peek up at me, and then shut tightly after flashing a hint of a smile. I love my son. I love my home. I love my faith. I love my family. I have been so blessed. 

A special heart

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Flash back

Looking at him here asleep on the carpet brings back such memories of our stay in the hospital. I feel like he should look so different, bit at times like this he looks the same. He should look different, but he is the same little baby. Swap out the breathing tube for a binkie. His baby PTSD is getting much better. He doesn't freak out when he hears a new voice. Lights don't seem to bother him as much. He's getting used to Brad and the girls, but he is still a little nervous/anxious. I think my mommy PTSD is just setting in. I wake up in the middle of the night to check on him. I won't put him down unless he's asleep. I over analys every poop and spit-up. I'm constantly checking his vitals. I know everything is good now. At least that is what the Dr tells me. There is a part of me that doesn't believe it. I'm afraid any day something will happen and we will be right back in the hospital. Next week he have more Drs appointments and I'm hoping it will put me more at ease. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

4 more days

We have 4 more days of quarantine, and I can't wait to GET OUT! 6 weeks in the house is torture... Good thing I've got such a good lookin' guy keeping me company. 

I'm just glad no one has gotten sick, hopefully we can keep it that way! 

I can not believe how well the girls have been with the quarantine. I'm just grateful for all the help we've received. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Did you know...?

At least 30% of ALL defect related infant deaths are a result of a Congelital Heart Defect. It is the Leading cause of infant deaths! 

Every 15 minutes a baby is born with CHD.

There is currently NO known cause, prevention, or cure for Congenital Heart Disease. Although many can be detected as early as 28 days of gestation via ultrasound. 

Every Hospital should be performing an oxygen saturation test at 24hrs. of an infants life, but not all hospitals test. (Oxygen levels should be over 93% saturation at 24 hr.) 

20% of all kids born with a Congenital Heart Defect will NOT SIRVIVE past their 1st Birthday! 

Pediatric cancer research funding is 5X higher than congenital heart research funding YET...

For every Dollar given to American Heart Association less than a penny goes to CHD research! 

Nationwide nearly $2.2 Billion goes to CHD repair surgeries. 

In the past Decade CHD related deaths are down 30% due to medical advances. 

Children's Heart Association is the only organization solely dedicated to funding CHD research and support for families effected by CHD. CHF HAS GIVEN OVER $5.3 million to research. 

 Spred the word... Please support CHD awareness!

Open Heart Survivor of Congenital Heart Disease. 8 weeks old. 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Best Buddy

Thanks for coming over Baby E! We love watching you grow! 

Rockin' the G's

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Happy Birthday, Amelia Bedelia!

Being stuck inside is a little more enjoyable when you have something fun to do... We we found something pretty fun! 

Today is Amelia Bedelia's 50th Birthday! So, We had a party! Look how much fun we had! 
1st We made Bonnets

Then we Dressed the Chickens

Then we finished up with Cupcakes, of course! 


Getting out

The past 2 days we have been going on mini-hikes. It really is the only way to get out of the house with out the risk of getting sick. Jake has been loving the fresh air! 

It is so nice to Get Out!!!

5 weeks down...

We've made it 5 weeks post-op! I am amazed by Jake healing. We would never had made it with out all the help we have received! Meals, Grocery Runs, and Pam and Ron play time, and our Moms... we are blessed! It really is because of everyone else that we are surviving quarantine! ... Only one week to go! 

We're out!

(Lila and Ryder, taken from Lila's Heart Journey: ) 

2 of Jake's best buddies at the Hospital got discharged this week! It is so good to see all these kiddos getting better! These families have been such a support to us. I know they will be life long friends of ours. I am so greatful to have met them and pray them through their heart journey. Here's to my Heart Mamas, may God continue to give you strength!